Wednesday, June 15, 2011

First Post - Monday, June 13, 2011

Hey All,
I know most of you are up to speed on what's going on with Craig, but i figured if i sent this out to you all, you could copy or forward this on for prayer purposes! :]
Currently what we know for sure that Craig has Fungal Meningitis, also called Cryptococcal meningitis. It is a common fungal form of the disease that affects people with immune deficiencies or compromised immune systems. For Craig we believe his immune deficiency is caused by a combo of unrelenting stress and sleep deprivation.
That being said, today they took a bunch of blood, cultures, CT scans, xrays etc. to try and figure out how exactly his immune system was compromised. Our biggest prayer requests at the moment are:
1. That Craig's tests for any major immune deficiencies (ie. Lupus, HIV, Lymphoma, Auto Immune Disease) would come back negative!!
2. That his anti Fungal medication would efficiently eradicated all fungus.
3. That his pain (shooting headaches, stiff neck and back, and sensitivity to light and sound) would subside.
Earlier this evening Craig was finally moved from the Critical Care Unit to a regular Med floor (which we felt was a major improvement and a much more peaceful place for Craig to recover). While he was moved to a less intense floor, Craig's pain is still considerable. We are believing that our God is a mighty God and that we are going to see him do mighty things through Craig! (as we already have!)
With so many unknowns all we can do is pray, pray, pray. We have been so encouraged by so many of our dearest friends in the past few days and appreciate you all so much.
Because Craig is on a regular med floor now (and not in the CCU) visitors are welcome throughout the day, however, we do ask that for Craig's sake, you contact me at 540-908-0774 before you plan on stopping by to see him so we can let you know his status. He's been in good spirits and enjoys visitors, however, he is constantly tired and could use as much sleep as he can get! :]
Thank you for continuing to pray and believing along side of us for miracles from a mighty God!
♥ Hayley

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